
30 March 2010

Art Antics in the Mountains

Getting the 26 shadows in Khadi of my Art Karavaners ironed before my performance, "I Will Never Forget You", raindated for tomorrow. It took some time to get an Iron Wallah to agree to such a strange task but finally found this fellow with an incredibly massive one  & willing for 5 rupees a shot. It was an outdoor stall and they had to put up the raingear half way through as the clouds overhead started to spill tears around 2pm.
Here are Jeetin and Buvanesh(Bangalore) carrying Jeeban(Orissa) to the Gandhi statue where wrapped in newsprint he desuited and the police were not happy because they have a strict anti litter law up here.
Some school kids here came to help get the knots out of a performance on the Mall that was a giant mess of a string with at least a thousand obstacles, they were inspired by chocolates and did it!